Alexis Chacon, Postech Korea
Abstract: In this Colloquium, I will describe the fundamentals of ultrafast physics in gases and its tools. We will learn the unique potential that attosecond sciences have to interrogate the character of some interesting quantum physics phenomena, such as delay in photoemission and high harmonic generation, etc. at their natural time scales, i.e., Angstrom (~10^-10 m) and sub-femtosecond (1as =10^-18 s), after the interaction of a strong and ultrashort laser (~100 fs = 100x10^-15 s). Mainly, I will show theoretical predictions and experimental observations of the Stereo Wigner Time Delay. Secondly, I will show how the high harmonic generation process encodes electronic structure information and electron dynamics in solids --emphasizing extending the frontiers of ultrafast physics from gases to condensed matter physics. Thus, this Colloquium focuses on an additional topic toward ultrafast spectroscopy of quantum materials, i.e., topological phases and topological phase transitions in the paradigmatic Haldane model and Topological Insulators. I believe this will be an exciting Colloquium toward exploring and learning new applications of ultrafast physics in other fields or areas of scientific research. **Wednesday’s Special Colloquium will only be held virtually. **