Particle physics seeks to discover and understand the nature of the universe. Some of the questions we seek to answer include what are the basic building blocks of matter, what is the nature of mass, space and time, and what are the fundamental symmetries that underlie physical laws.
On the experimental side, our primary focus is the ATLAS experiment at the CERN LHC (Large Hadron Collider). The new energy frontier opened by the LHC allows us to pursue ground-breaking research in searches for Beyond the Standard Model physics including supersymmetry and compositeness. We designed and built the Forward Calorimeters for ATLAS and support the experiment through a wide spectrum of software activities. We are also engaged in vigorous R&D programs in high rate calorimetry, muon detection and next generation readout electronics. We continue to pursue exciting physics at the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron which has amassed an impressive data set. We are developing an experimental astrophysics program centered on the LSST (Large Synoptic Survey Telescope) that will allow us to probe dark matter and energy.
On the theoretical side, members of our group have spearheaded a number of major developments in the particle physics field. We have done pioneering work in ultrahigh energy neutrino interactions, and are involved in computational studies of the strong interaction which are among the most challenging and sophisticated supercomputer calculations in all of science. We are also leaders in efforts to develop and analyze theories that transcend the current Standard Model of particle physics, including supersymmetry, grand unification, and connections to string theory, string phenomenology, and theories with extra spacetime dimensions. We have done important work relevant to current and future particle accelerators and explored the connections between particle physics and cosmology. Members of the nuclear physics group and astrophysics group are probing the rich physics at the boundaries of those fields and particle physics as well.
Work done by members of our group have been featured in Science Magazine, Physics Today, and Scientific American. We are regularly invited to lecture at summer schools and workshops worldwide, and we have organized and hosted some of the most prestigious international conferences in our field.
Elliott Cheu, Keith R. Dienes, Ken Johns, Stefan Meinel, Johann Rafelski, John Rutherfoord, Ina Sarcevic, Shufang Su, Bira van Kolck, Erich Varnes