Innovation and discovery often develop at the juncture or overlap between disciplinary fields. The University of Arizona has a long history of interdisciplinary work in the sciences. A desert dust empiricism has led to a search for links between diverse scientific fields through the development, or shared use, of new techniques, as well as through the leveraging of both intellectual and financial resources. Interdisciplinary programs pursue research in their new fields and create the research workers for the future.
Theoretical Astrophysics Program
The University of Arizona has consolidated its long-standing strength in astronomy and planetary sciences through the Theoretical Astrophysics Program (TAP), an interdisciplinary program in theoretical astrophysics that involves the Physics, Astronomy, Planetary Sciences and Applied Mathematics departments as well as NOAO. TAP administers a Monday colloquium series, graduate student research and recruitment prizes, a postdoctoral fellowship, and a visitor program.

Chemical Physics Program
Chemical Physics Program at The University of Arizona provides an interdisciplinary track for cutting-edge research at the forefront of the interface of Physics and Chemistry. Research in this program is highly collaborative and interdisciplinary in nature and geared towards preparing students for a career in research in fields ranging from biomedical technology to sustainable energy

Biosphere 2
Biosphere 2, under the management of The University of Arizona, is one of the world's most unique facilities dedicated to the research and understanding of global scientific issues. The Biosphere 2 facility will serve as a laboratory for controlled scientific studies, an arena for scientific discovery and discussion, and a far-reaching provider of public education. Its mission is to serve as a center for research, outreach, teaching and life-long learning about Earth.

Life and Planet Astrobiology Center
Life and Planets Astrobiology Center (LAPLACE) is an interdisciplinary unit for research and educational activities in astrobiology both for the University of Arizona and for other science organizations in Southern Arizona. Astrobiology is the study of the origin and relationship of life to its cosmic roots. The origin of life is a puzzle wrapped in our current lack of understanding of the origin and early development of the earth, which is itself wrapped in the puzzle of the origin of our planetary system.