Grad Talk- Chiral Symmetry and its Breaking

Dr. Jaber Balalhabashi, University of Arizona


2:10 – 3:20 p.m., April 12, 2019


Abstract: In the approximation where up and down quarks are massless, Dirac Lagrangian is conserved under Chiral symmetry which its spontaneous breaking entails the existence of Goldstone bosons. Explicit but approximate breaking of Chiral symmetry, due to small masses of up and down quarks, explains why pions are lightest of all hadrons, and how a chiral-invariant Lagrangian can be constructed by using covariant pion derivatives. We will also see how the pion mass term should be constructed in this chiral-invariant Lagrangian. 

** Refreshments served from 2:45pm – 3:00pm in PAS 218. Please join us for the colloquium in PAS 224. Thank you. **