Dr. Volodymyr Pervak, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, LMH- Department of Physics
Abstract: Dispersive multilayer mirrors have essentially permitted mode-locked lasers to routinely generate pulses in the sub-10-fs regime. Continuous progress in the design, manufacturing and characterization of multilayer structures led to ever more precise group-delay dispersion control over ever broader spectral ranges. The resultant few-cycle laser fields have opened the door to the generation and measurement of isolated attosecond pulses. Precise multilayer dispersion control over increasing bandwidth has gradually pushed the frontier of ultrafast science to what has been thought to be its ultimate limit: the wave cycle of visible light, allowing routine generation sub-100-attosecond pulses.
Next generation attosecond technology will be based on synthesized multi-octave waveforms. They are expected to advance the field in several ways. First, by permitting control of electronic motions with a force variable on the atomic time scale. Second, by providing sub-femtosecond optical transients for attosecond nonlinear pump-probe spectroscopy. Third, by producing attosecond pulses at Angstrom wavelengths, opening the door for 4-dimensional imaging with atomic resolution in space and time. This cutting-edge optical technology provides the force engineerable on atomic to molecular time scales and brings about the next revolution in ultrafast science.
To learn more about Dr. Pervak and his work: https://www.attoworld.de/amo.html
Event is In Person-Only, Refreshments at 2:30PM, PAS 218