Fall 2023 Physics Colloquium: Shining New Light on Material Properties: Structure and Dynamics with Ultrafast Electron Microscopes

Bradley J. Siwick McGill University, Montreal, Canada, Center for the Physics of Materials


3 – 4 p.m., Nov. 17, 2023


Abstract: In this talk I will describe how combining ultrafast lasers and electron microscopes in novel ways makes it possible to directly ‘watch’ the time-evolving structure of condensed matter and interrogate couplings between carrier and lattice degrees of freedom on the fastest timescales open to atomic motion [1-5]. By combining such measurements with complementary (and more conventional) spectroscopic techniques we can now develop structure-property relationships for materials under even very far from equilibrium conditions, explore how we can use light to control the properties of materials [2,3] and unravel the complex interplay between charge, spin, orbital and lattice-structural degrees of freedom that gives rise to the emergent macroscopic properties of materials.

These transformative experimental tools are enabling researchers to tackle many critical research challenges at the frontier of our ability to control materials and to develop systems to capture, convert and store energy that will impact sustainability and advanced technologies. I will assume no familiarity with ultrafast lasers or electron microscopes and provide a range of recent examples.

[1] D. Filippetto et al, Reviews of Modern Physics 94 (2022) 045004.

[2] Morrison et al Science 346 (2014) 445

[2] Otto et al, PNAS, 116 (2019) 450

[3] Stern et al, Phys. Rev. B 97 (2018) 165416

[4] Rene de Cotret et al, Phys. Rev. B 100 (2019) 214115

[5] Rene de Cotret et al, PNAS, 119 (2022) e2113967119

Please visit https://www.physics.mcgill.ca/siwicklab/ to learn more.

In-person only. Refreshments at 2:30PM, PAS 218