Physics Spring 2024 Colloquium: Attosecond imaging of electronic wave packets

Wen Li, Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University


3 – 4 p.m., March 15, 2024


Abstract: Quantum coherence among electronic states in atoms and molecules forms dynamical electronic wave packets. An electronic wave packet has significant spatial evolution besides its temporal evolution, due to the delocalized nature of composing electronic states. However, the spatial evolution was not generally accessible to experimental investigations at the attosecond time scale. A phase-resolved two-electron-angular-streaking (PR-2eAS) method was developed to achieve attosecond imaging of wave packet motion. The technique can distinguish the two electrons arising from double ionization processes to image the first frame of an ultrafast spin-orbit wave packet in the krypton cation. Furthermore, the motion of an even faster wave packet in the xenon cation was captured for the first time. I will also discuss our effort in detecting ultrafast electronic wave packets in molecular systems.

In-person only. Refreshments at 2:30PM in PAS