Physics Spring 2024 Colloquium: Seeing the invisible with particle physics

Luigi Marchese, ETH Zurich


3 – 4 p.m., Feb. 6, 2024


Abstract: The Standard Model is the best model available in particle physics to describe the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions. Over time, this model has become established as a well-tested physics model, especially after the observation of the Higgs boson by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations at CERN in 2012. Although many Higgs properties have been measured, some other key properties cannot be fully characterized due to experimental limitations. At the same time, some recent experimental indications are challenging one of the main symmetries of the model.
In this talk I will give an overview of what we can search at the LHC focusing on these two aspects … with creativity. To overcome experimental limitations, particle physicists have come up with creative ideas more than once. I will also discuss some interdisciplinary applications, biased by my personal physics taste. 

In-person only. Refreshments at 2:30PM in PAS 218


Erich Varnes