Ronen Weiss, Washington University in St. Louis
Abstract: Reliable description of reactions is crucial for comparisons with experimental data in different many-body quantum systems. But, exact description of many-body dynamics is extremely challenging, as it can involve many degrees of freedom. In nuclear physics, exact calculations of reactions are mostly limited to very small systems. Progress is needed to support major experimental efforts in the field. In this talk I will present my work on this topic following two research directions. First, I will discuss the possible use of quantum computers for this purpose. I will present efficient quantum algorithms with minimal number of qubits, relevant for near-future devices. Time evolution algorithms, needed to describe reaction dynamics, will be discussed with a focus on the contact interaction. I will provide full resource estimation for the calculation of inclusive electron scattering cross sections for the two-body system. Extensions and resource scaling for larger systems will be discussed. Second, I will discuss my efforts to make progress in approximated but reliable classical methods. I will discuss a recently developed method, the Short-Time Approximation, for the description of quasi-elastic reactions and my work on the inclusion of relativistic effects to allow the analysis of lepton-nucleus experimental data. Comparison to experimental data and open puzzles will be presented.
PAS 236 @ 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM