PNuT Seminar: Probing new physics by weak-interaction processes of atomic nuclei

Lotta Jokiniemi, TRIUMF


2 – 3 p.m., Feb. 6, 2025


Abstract: Weak interaction processes in atomic nuclei offer a way to probe physics beyond the standard model in the low-energy regime, complementing the astronomical searches and high-energy experiments at particle accelerator facilities. One can either search for exotic processes forbidden by the standard model or look for deviations from standard-model predictions in high-precision experiments. In either case, to extract the new physics signals from these experiments requires reliable nuclear-theory predictions. 

To this end, I will discuss recent efforts to improve the theory predictions of neutrinoless double-beta decay and how the involved physics can be probed by other nuclear processes that can be measured at experimental facilities such as the Facility of Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). On the other hand, I will talk about the possibility of extracting beyond-standard-model physics from precision studies of forbidden beta decays. I will also give an outlook how I plan to extend these studies into other processes relevant for beyond-standard-model physics searches, such as neutrino-nucleus scattering and muon-to-electron conversion.

PAS 236 @ 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM