Dr. Simone Antoniucci, INAF-Rome
Abstract: SHARK-VIS is the new AO-assisted visible-band high-contrast imager at the LBT. The instrument has recently been installed on the telescope and is now going through its commissioning phase. First, I will present a quick overview of the main specifications of the instrument, focusing on its fast-cadence imaging approach. Then, I will talk about the main scientific topics we aim at investigating with SHARK-VIS, which include the search and characterization of forming giant exoplanets, disks and jets around young stars, minor bodies and moons of the Solar System, structures around evolved stars, and central regions of AGN. In this section, I will highlight the synergy between SHARK-VIS and the companion infrared high-contrast instruments SHARK-NIR and LMIRCAM, which will turn the LBT into an unprecedented high-contrast facility with simultaneous visible and infrared coverage. I will also show the very preliminary results obtained during the early phase of the commissioning, which hopefully will provide an exciting preview of the capabilities of SHARK-VIS.
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