19th Annual Professor Blitzer Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Physics and Related Sciences
April 5, 2024
The Award ceremony for the 19th Annual Professor Leon and Pauline Blitzer Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Physics and Related Sciences was held on April 3. This year’s awards and speaker is Prof. Ilaria Pascucci from Planetary Sciences. She gave a talk on "From Planet-forming Disks to Exoplanets: Reconstructing the Paths to Habitable Worlds”. Read more about Prof. Pascucci
The Blitzer Award is given yearly to a faculty member with an established record of teaching excellence in one of the following four departments: Physics, Astronomy and the Steward Observatory, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, and Planetary Sciences and the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. This award was established in 2006 by the Blitzer children, Mimi and Charles, to honor the memory of their parents. Prof. Blitzer began his nearly 70 years with the UA Physics department as an undergraduate. He returned to UA in 1946 as an assistant professor of physics. In 1949, at age 33, he became the youngest full professor on campus. He personified the ideal professor with devotion to all aspects of the job - teaching, research and service. Find out more about the Blitzer Award.