Congratualtions to the New Chair of the US ATLAS Institutional Board

May 21, 2015

By: Richelle Martin

Dr. John Rutherfoord

Congratulations to physics professor Dr. John Rutherfoord who has been elected the new Chair of the US ATLAS Institutional Board! Between Board Meetings the IB Chair organizes searches for candidates to fill the many positions in the US ATLAS management structure when terms of the incumbents approach their end. The IB Chair represents the USATLAS institutions at various program reviews conducted by the funding agencies and at reviews of the full Particle Physics Program where USATLAS competes for support with the other High Energy Physics projects and programs in the U.S. The IB Chair appoints Task Forces to look into various components of the USATLAS Operations Program to consider possible evolution of responsibilities, termination, or change of direction. Dr. Rutherfoord presently chairs one such Task Force. There are also weekly conference calls with the Operations Program Manager and his deputy. One of the more important jobs of the IB Chair is to organize a search to find candidates to fill the top position of Operations Program Manager and his deputy. Once a candidate list is determined, the selection of the next Manager is decided in concert with the funding agencies and the director, or his/her designated official, of the laboratory where the USATLAS management is housed.