Women in STEM Student Council (WiSSC) Travel Grant Fund Application Cover Sheet

Feb. 26, 2019

The Women in STEM Student Council (WiSSC) at the University of Arizona will administer a travel grant program to cover funds for student travel for academic or professional development from January 1 - June 30, 2019. The grant will cover reimbursable travel expenses up to $500 for individual University of Arizona students.  Awards can cover airfare, hotel/lodging, local transportation, and event registration fees.  
The award is dispensed to the student as a stipend through the University of Arizona, and acceptance of the award is contingent upon the student financial need. If students have questions regarding their eligibility to accept the award please email wisscfunding@gmail.com to receive further information.  
The number of awards per round is contingent upon the availability of funds and the number of applications received. The confidential applications will be reviewed by a panel of University of Arizona students from across STEM fields.  
Questions regarding the application can be sent to: wisscfunding@gmail.com  
Students must be enrolled in a degree seeking program at the University of Arizona at the time of application. This applies even if the applicant plans to graduate in the current or subsequent term.  
You may submit one application for one event for each round. You can only be awarded once per fiscal year. If you are unsuccessful in one round, you may apply to subsequent rounds until you receive an award. 
Group applications are not allowed. Each student must apply separately for funding.  
Travel must be completed between January 1 - June 30, 2019 
Event types covered: 
Student travel to present at academic or professional conferences, to conduct field work or research, or to participate in workshops will be covered by this award.    Applications must be completed by midnight (11:59 pm) on March 22, 2019.  
Link to application: https://goo.gl/forms/j9TTbe0uBquhTfFj2  
Application consists of:  
The application consists of the cover sheet, impact statement, budget, CV, and proof of registration/ attendance. A letter of recommendation may be requested and contact information for the faculty recommender is required in the cover letter.    Cover letter The cover letter can be found on the WiSSC funding page and at the end of this document.  
Impact statement (500 word limit): The impact statement should be a clear and concise non-technical description of the student’s reason for travel. A successful statement should include a brief description of the event and a description of how attending the event will contribute to or impact the applicant’s own knowledge, professional development, or career.  
 Budget: A budget must be included listing all expenses related to the proposed travel, as well as the amount (up to $500) requested from WiSSC. The items requested may include airfare, lodging, car and/or local transportation during event, and event registration or membership fees. 
A brief paragraph must accompany the budget which includes a justification of the amount of funding requested from WiSSC and a description of other attempts to obtain funding. 
 Resume or CV: Please include a maximum three page resume or CV, in pdf format with the application. Additional pages will not be submitted to the review committee. Please ensure that prior awards are clearly noted.  
Letter of Recommendation: A letter of recommendation may be required upon request. The recommendation should be from an academic advisor or supervisor familiar with the reason for travel. Please include your recommender’s name and email on the cover letter.  
 Proof of registration and attendance: If awarded, the student should include proof of event registration or attendance at the event to WiSSC. If you have questions regarding what constitutes proof please email wisscfunding@gmail.com
 Reporting - post award The student will be required to fill out the WiSSC Travel Grant survey within 30 days of attending the event or receiving the award, whichever comes first. Information on the survey will be included in the award letter, and failure to complete the survey will result in the student being ineligible for any future WiSSC Award.  
Applications must be completed by midnight (11:59 pm) on March 22, 2019.  

Women in STEM Student Council (WiSSC) Travel Grant Fund Application Cover Sheet 

Personal Information

Last Name:  _________________________________________________

First Name: _________________________________________________

UA NetID:  _________________________________________________

Student ID number:  ____________________________________________

Preferred Gender Pronouns:  _____________________________________ 
Degree you are currently seeking:  _________________________________ 

Year in degree:  ________________________________________________ 

Anticipated Graduation Year:  _____________________________________ 
Major(s):  _____________________________________________________

Department(s):  ________________________________________________

Faculty Recommender: __________________________________________

Faculty Recommender Email: _____________________________________ 
Event Information 
Event Title: ____________________________________________________         

If presenting a poster or talk, please include the title of the presentation: _____________________________________________________________

Event Dates:  __________________________________________________

Event Location:  ________________________________________________ 
Funding Information 
Total Budget: __________________________________________________

Amount Requested from WiSSC Travel Fund:  ________________________ 
 How did you hear about the WiSSC Travel Grant? 
 Would you be interested in serving as a Travel Grant Judge in the future?