Prof. John Rutherfoord earns US ATLAS Lifetime Achievement award

John Rutherfoord with a part of the forward calorimeter
team in front of one of the two forward calorimeters almost fully inserted
into its cryostat. (Pictured left to right), Alexandre Savine, Philippe
Gravelle, Peter Loch, John Rutherfoord , Leif Shaver, and Mircea Cadabeschi
Photo credit: Roy Langstaff
The collaboration of US universities and laboratories that are part of the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider presents an annual award to honor a physicist who has made exceptional contributions to ATLAS. This year our own Prof. John Rutherfoord was chosen to receive this Lifetime Achievement award. The award citation reads: "John Rutherfoord has been recognized for the US ATLAS Lifetime Achievement Award due to his seminal contributions to the design and construction of the ATLAS forward calorimeter, as well as his leadership roles in US ATLAS (including serving as IB Chair) and in the ATLAS liquid argon community. John's innovative forward calorimeter design not only resulted in a detector with excellent performance, it also significantly simplified the structure of the ATLAS forward region, which allowed a dramatic reduction in radiation backgrounds in the muon system. The forward calorimeter has played a major role in many crucial ATLAS measurements, including those that require forward jet identification."