UA Physics Participates in the 2025 Tucson Festival of Books!

Tucson's largest annual book festival took place March 15th and 16th. UA Physics hosted a booth at the fair's popular outreach attraction Science City. A diverse group of undergraduate, graduate, faculty, and staff volunteers from UA Physics, including Diptiman Bora, James Knepler, Nick Lopez, Charlotte Zehnder, Harry Mayrhofer, Oskar Novak, Annyun Das, Maria Mutz, Tai Kong, and Kyle Rine, delighted festival goers with hands-on demonstrations of waves in action. At the booth were demonstrations of thin-film interference, virtual images, sound demos, and the always popular resonance bowl with which participants can send drops of water flying 30 cm into the air by rubbing their hands on the handles of a Tibetan prayer bowl! 

 Special thanks to all the volunteers who came out to share their love and passion for physics.