Special Spring 2022 Physics Colloquium - Physics Faculty Candidate: Toward Practical Near-Term Quantum Computers

Akira Sone, Aliro Quantum Technologies


3 p.m., Feb. 16, 2022


Abstract: Recent development in quantum information has led to breakthroughs in quantum technologies, which has brought us to a new Information Age. Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers with number of quantum bits (qubits) ranging from fifty to a few hundreds and the limited size of quantum circuits are expected to be available in near future. Particularly, variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) based on the quantum-classical optimization loop are recently considered as a leading strategy for the realization of NISQ computers. However, there are still key open problems in the theoretical and practical aspects of NISQ computers. These include the practical system identification, rigorous analysis on the reliability, and the envisaged interdisciplinary applications of NISQ computers. In this colloquium, I will introduce my past research and summarize my research plans regarding NISQ computers. First, I will discuss a practical scenario of indirect system identification of NISQ computers through the measurement on a single quantum probe coupled to the system. Then, I will discuss the reliability of VQAs by showing how the measurement locality and the circuit depth relate to the trainability of VQAs on NISQ computers and discuss the relation between the trainability and controllability. Finally, I will introduce the application of NISQ computers for the quantum sensing by demonstrating the preparation of the optimal quantum sensors assisted by VQAs. These research on quantum sensing and NISQ computers can open an exciting future research direction to realize precision sensing by utilizing the near-term quantum computers, which can be applied in broader fields such as chemistry, material science and biology. **Wednesday’s Special Colloquium will only be held virtually. **