Charles Stafford

Classification: Primary Faculty
Education: Ph.D., Physics, 1992, Princeton University
Fields of Study: Condensed Matter Physics
Research Interests:
Many-body theory of nonequilibrium quantum systems. Nonequilibrium Green's functions (NEGF). Exact and/or nonperturbative results in many-body theory. Thermoelectric materials. Theory of scanning thermoelectric measurement.
Honors and Awards:
ABB Prize of the Swiss Physical Society, 2000
Selected Publications:
J. Meair, J.P. Bergfield, C.A. Stafford, Ph. Jacquod, Local temperature of out-of-equilibrium quantum electron systems, Physical Review B 90, 035407 (2014)
Justin P. Bergfield, Shauna M. Story, Robert C. Stafford, Charles A. Stafford, Probing Maxwell's Demon with a Nanoscale Thermometer, ACS Nano 7, 4429-4440 (2013)
J. P. Bergfield, Z. F. Liu, K. Burke, and C. A. Stafford, Bethe Ansatz Approach to the Kondo Effect within Density-Functional Theory, Physical Review Letters 108, 066801 (2012).
J. P. Bergfield, M. Solis, and C. A. Stafford, Giant Thermoelectric Effect from Transmission Supernodes, ACS Nano 4, 5314-5320 (2010)
J. P. Bergfield and C. A. Stafford, Thermoelectric Signatures of Coherent Transport in Single-Molecule Heterojunctions, Nano Letters 9, 3072-3076 (2009)