Steward Observatory/NSF NOIRLab Colloquium Series: The Poor Old Heart of the Milky Way

Dr. Hans-Walter Rix, Director, Department Galaxies and Cosmology, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy


3:30 – 4:30 p.m., March 30, 2023

Abstract: There is no other big galaxy like our Milky Way: only here can we know the distribution of which stars — born when and from what material — are on which orbit. This can teach us, when and where it all started, when the Milky Way’s wild early formation settled down, and what happened then. The combination of Gaia and spectroscopic surveys, such as SDSS, can now tell us the answers. And some, long-held conventional views have to go out the window.


*Graduate students will meet with Dr. Rix for lunch on Thursday, March 30th, at 12:00 PM (AZ) in room N305.


Hector Manuel Rico