Tim Eifler
Associate Professor of Astronomy
Associate Professor of Physics

Classification: Joint Faculty
Education: Ph.D. 2009, University of Bonn, Germany
Field of study: Cosmology, Astrophysics, Data Science
Research Interests: Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Structure Formation, Modified Gravity, Inflation, Statistical Data analysis, Machine Learning
Selected Publications:
- “Accelerating cosmological inference with Gaussian processes and neural networks -- an application to LSST Y1 weak lensing and galaxy clustering”, Boruah, S. S., Eifler, T., et al ., MNRAS, 518, 4, (2023)
- “Kinematic Lensing with the Roman Space Telescope”, Xu, J., Eifler, T., et al., MNRAS 519, 2, (2023)
- “Cosmology from clustering, cosmic shear, CMB lensing, and cross correlations: combining Rubin observatory and Simons Observatory”, Fang, X., Eifler, T., et al., MNRAS, 509, 5721, (2022)
- “Cosmology with the Roman Space Telescope – Multi-Probe Strategies”, Eifler, T., et al MNRAS, 507, 2, (2021)
- “Cosmology with the Roman Space Telescope – Synergies with the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time”, Eifler, T., et al MNRAS, 507, 1, (2021)
- “cosmolike - cosmological likelihood analyses for photometric galaxy surveys”, Krause, E., & Eifler, T., MNRAS, 470, 2100, (2017)