Physics Spring 2024 Colloquium: Dark Matter and Advanced Detectors

Christopher Madrid, Fermilab


3 – 4 p.m., Feb. 16, 2024


Abstract: In this presentation, I will explore advancements in the search for Dark Matter at colliders, focusing on new theories and the construction of complex detectors. I will discuss recent developments in dark matter production at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), highlighting previously overlooked signatures in models with new self-interactions, such as semi-visible jets — a unique blend of ordinary and dark matter particles. These findings mark the beginning of an extensive exploration into possible dark matter signatures arising from self-interacting models. I will also discuss the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS)'s upgrade for the High-Luminosity LHC era, including the introduction of the Endcap Timing Layer (ETL) equipped with Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) to provide novel time-of-arrival measurements for minimum ionizing particles. My presentation will address the ETL's design, its impact on CMS physics, and the implications for the next generation of timing detectors.

In-person only. Refreshments at 2:30PM, PAS 218


Erich Varnes