2024 Physics Oral Defense: Ultrafast transient absorption and multi-wave mixing spectroscopies in the Extreme ultraviolet and soft x-ray regimes

Islam Samy Shalaby, Physics Graduate Student


9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., April 11, 2024


Abstract: Advancements in ultrafast laser technology enable researchers to observe and manipulate electronic states within their natural attosecond, femtosecond, and picosecond timescales, thus providing a deeper understanding of the electronic processes that underpin structural changes, reaction pathways, and energy transfer in complex chemical and biological systems.
In this dissertation, we present the recent development in ultrafast laser technology using solid-state lasers such as Ti: Sapphire and Ytterbium-based lasers. We extend to novel spectral broadening and pulse compression techniques such as self-phase modulation in hollow-core fibers and chirped-mirror dispersion compensation. We show the application of such novel ultrafast pulses in probing dark state dynamics with femtosecond temporal resolution in a novel three-color wave mixing spectroscopic scheme. The proposed three-color scheme provides additional advantages in accessing excited dark states through background-free emission by exploiting non-commensurate probe IR fields. Finally, we provide technical instrumental details involved in typical pump-probe absorption and photoelectron spectroscopies.

Zoom link:  https://arizona.zoom.us/j/85039090847

Passcode: Islam