Fall 2024 Colloquium: Physics Meet Yourself II

Mohammed Hassan, Rachel Hyneman, Stefan Meinel, Arvinder Sandhu

Mohammed Hassan, Rachel Hyneman, Stefan Meinel, Arvinder Sandhu


3 – 4 p.m., Sept. 13, 2024


Four presentations by faculty members of the Department of Physics, University of Arizona.

1.  Imaging electron in action

 Mohammed Hassan

Abstract: We are focusing on how to utilize the attosecond laser and electron microscopy technologies to image the electron motion in real time and space. This electron imaging would reveal new physics or allow us to see the physics we know from new perspective.

2.  Boosted Higgs Boson Pair Production at the ATLAS Experiment

Rachel J. Hyneman

Abstract: Measurements of Higgs Boson Pair Production probe how the Higgs Boson interacts with itself. These self interactions serve as a test of our fundamental understanding of the Higgs Boson, and they may illuminate big physics questions, such as whether our universe is stable. I will present a recent measurement of Higgs Boson pair production from the ATLAS Experiment at CERN targeting the final state in which each Higgs Boson decays to a pair of collimated b-quarks, known as the boosted topology.

3.  Predicting beauty-charm tetraquarks using lattice QCD

Stefan Meinel

Abstract: In 2021, LHCb discovered an exotic tetraquark meson containing two charm quarks and two light antiquarks, which decays through the strong interaction into three ordinary mesons. Similar tetraquarks containing bottom instead of charm quarks may be stable under the strong interaction. I will present recent lattice-QCD predictions for such systems.

4.  Quantum dynamics on ultrafast timescales

Arvinder Sandhu

Abstract: Electronic couplings and correlations drive the time evolution of many common processes. I will show how we can quantify and control the underlying dynamics by employing coherent light-matter interactions on the femtosecond and attosecond timescales.

3:00 PM in PAS 201 / Zoom Meeting https://arizona.zoom.us/j/81283840289

Refreshments in PAS 218, 2:30PM.

The colloquium will be followed by the Physics Department Welcome Event

Welcome Remarks, PAS 201, 4:00 - 4:30 PM
Reception, 2nd floor lobby,  4:30 - 6:00 PM


Shufang Su