Physics Spring 2025 Colloquium: What can neutrinoless double-beta decay teach us about neutrinos?

Lotta Jokiniemi, TRIUMF


3 – 4 p.m., Today


Abstract: Our knowledge about particles and their interactions is based on the standard model of particle physics. Despite being a very successful theory, the standard model cannot explain some observed phenomena in our Universe: why does matter dominate antimatter? What gives neutrinos their masses? Could neutrinos be their own antiparticles? Observing neutrinoless double-beta decay -- in which two neutrons in an atomic nucleus simultaneously transform into two protons and two electrons without emitting (anti-)neutrinos -- could help answer these open questions. 

The potential to discover new physics from this hypothetical decay drives ton-scale experimental searches around the world. Extracting the interesting physics from the experiments however relies on nuclear-theory predictions, which remain a major obstacle. I will discuss recent efforts to improve the theory predictions, and how other nuclear observables can help us better predict the yet unobserved rare decay.

3:00 PM in PAS 201 / Zoom Meeting

Refreshments in PAS 218, 2:30PM