Fall 2020 Physics Colloquium: The discrete charm of scale invariance in nuclear and atomic physics

Dr. Ubirajara van Kolck, University of Arizona and CNRS


3 – 4 p.m., Oct. 23, 2020


Abstract: Nature is certainly not invariant under changes of scale. Phenomena and laws are characterized by parameters that determine their dimensions. However, while the complexity of some many-body systems may stem from a profusion of distinct scales, rich structures exist even when there is no more than one essential scale associated with *discrete* scale invariance. I will discuss how intrinsically quantum-mechanical structures with unique properties, sometimes labeled "Efimov physics", emerge in nuclear and some closely related atomic systems from a contact three-body force.

Zoom Link: https://arizona.zoom.us/j/84586233985

Please email Karina Valdez at kvaldez@email.arizona.edu for Zoom password.