Eduardo Rozo

Classification: Primary Faculty
Education: University of Chicago, Physics, 2006
Fields of Study: Astrophysics and Cosmology
Research Interests:
Eduardo is an experimental cosmologist, utilizing large scale structure probes to better understand the physics behind the accelerated expansion of the Universe: that is, since gravity pulls, how is it possible for the expansion of the Universe to be accelerating? As of today, there are only two plausible solutions: either the energy budget of the Universe is dominated by a previously unknown form of mass—energy, or general relativity fails to be the correct description of gravity on cosmological scales. Resolving this dichotomy is the single most pressing question in observational cosmology today. Eduardo’s research directly addresses this problem by utilizing the abundance galaxy clusters as a cosmological. His research exploits both photometric (e.g. Dark Energy Survey and Large Synoptic Survey Telescope), spectroscopic (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument), and multi-wavelength data (Planck, South Pole Telescope, X-ray data from Chandra and XMM) to better understand this observational probe, and thereby safeguard against systematic uncertainties.
If you are interested in cosmology — be it theory or experimental — please do not hesitate to stop by his office for a chat.
Curie Award (2019)
Selected Publications:
Weinberg et al. Observational Probes of Cosmic Acceleration. Physics Reports 530, pp. 87-255, 2003.
Rozo, E., Rykoff, E. redMaPPer II: X-ray and SZ Performance Benchmarks for the SDSS Catalog. Astrophysical Journal, 783, pp. 80, 2014.
Rozo, E. et al. Closing the Loop: A Self-Consistent Model of Optical, X-ray, and SZ Scaling Relations for Clusters of Galaxies. MNRAS 438, pp. 78, 2014
Rozo, E. et al. Cosmological Constraints from the SDSS maxBCG Cluster Catalog. Astrophysical Journal 709, pp. 645, 2010.