Hao Xin

Ph.D. in Physics February 2001, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
BS in Physics and Mathematics, Summa cum Laude, June 1995, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Fields of Study:
Research Interests:
High frequency (from microwave to THz) technologies and solid state physics, including passive and active circuits, antennas, properties and applications of new materials such as metamaterials and nano-materials, bio-medical applications, and energy harvesting technology.
Honors and Awards:
Arizona Engineering Fellow, College of Engineering, University of Arizona, Sept. 2013 – Sept. 2016
National Research Council Sr. Associate Award, Feb. 2012
Selected Publications:
Z. Wu, J. Kinast, M. Gehm, and H. Xin, “Rapid and Inexpensive Fabrication of Terahertz Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures,” Optics Express, Vol. 16, No. 21, pp. 16442-16451, Oct., 2008.
T. Jiang, K. Chang, L. Si, L. Ran, and H. Xin, “Active microwave negative-index metamaterial transmission line with gain,” Phys. Rev. Lett., Nov. 2011.
L. Wang, R. Zhou, and H. Xin, “Microwave (8–50 GHz) Characterization of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Papers Using Rectangular Waveguides”, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech., Vo. 56, No. 2, pp. 499-506, February, 2007.
H. Xin, J. B. West, J. C. Mather, J. P. Doane, and J. A. Higgins, “A Two-Dimensional Electronic-Scanned Antenna Utilizing Analog Electromagnetic Crystal (EMXT) Waveguide Phase Shifters”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 151-159, January, 2005.
H. Xin, D. E. Oates, S. Sridhar, G. F. Dresselhaus, M. S. Dresselhaus, “Observation of Individual Josephson Vortices in YBCO bi-Crystal Grain Boundary Junctions”, Phys. Rev. B, 61, No. 22, R14952-R14955, 2000.