Mohammed Hassan

Office: PAS 363
Related Links: and Google Scholar
Classification: Primary Faculty
Education: Ph.D. Physics, 2013, Max-Plank Institute for Quantum Optics- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Fields of Study: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics and Condensed Matter Physics
Research Interests:
My research focuses on achieving the attosecond temporal resolution in electron microscopy by generating attosecond electron pulses and establishing “Attomicroscopy” field. Which will be utilized for recording movies of electronic and atomic motion in Action.
Honors and Awards:
The Air Force's Young Investigator Award- 2019
The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Grant Award- 2018
Max-Plank Research Fellow- 2009
Selected Publications:
M. Th. Hassan, J. S. Baskin, B. Laio, and A. H. Zewail, High-temporal-resolution electron microscopy for imaging ultrafast electron dynamics, Nature Photonics 11, 425–430 (2017)
M. Th. Hassan, T.T. Luu, A. Moulet, O. Razskazovskaya,P. Zhokhov, M. Garg, N. Karpowicz, A. M. Zheltikov,V. Pervak, F. Krausz and E. Goulielmakis, Optical attosecond pulses and tracing the nonlinear response of bound electrons, Nature 530, 66-70 (2016).
X. Fu, B. Chen, J. Tang, M. Th. Hassan, A. H. Zewail, Imaging rotational dynamics of nanoparticles in liquid by 4D electron microscopy, Science, 2017. 355(6324): p. 494-498.
T. T. Luu, M. Garg, S. Y. Kruchinin, A. Moulet, M. T. Hassan, and E. Goulielmakis, Extreme ultraviolet high-harmonic spectroscopy of solids, Natur 521, 498 (2015).
Wirth, M. Th. Hassan, I. Grguraš, J. Gagnon, A. Moulet, T.T. Luu, S. Pabst, R. Santra, Z. Alahmed, A.M. Azzeer, V.S. Yakovlev, V. Pervak, F. Krausz and E. Goulielmakis, Synthesized Light Transients, Science 334, 195, (2011).