Sigurd Kohler

D Sc (PhD),1959 University of Uppsala, Sweden
Fields of Study: Nuclear Physics
Research Interests:
Nuclear Many Body Problems, Quantum Transport, Cold Atoms.Plasmas
Selected Publications:
N.H. Kwong, M. Bonitz, H. Binder and H.S. Kohler, Semiconductor Kadanoff-Baym Equation Results for Optically Excited Electron-Hole Plasmas in Quantum Wells, phys. Stat. sol. 206197 (1998)
H. S. Köhler, Harmonic Oscillator and the phase-shift approximation, Foundation of Physics, To be published (2014)
H.S. Köhler, Short History of Nuclear Many Body Problem, Nucl. Phys. A , in press (2014)
H.S. Köhler, N.H. Kwong and Hashim A. Yousif, A Fortran Code for Solving the Kadanoff-Baym equations for a homogeneous fermion system, Comp. Phys. Comm. 123 123 (1999)
J. Dabrowski, H. S. K\”ohler and J. Rozynek, Application of the nuclear matter approach to the interaction potential between heavy ions, Acta Physica Polonica B 34 (2003)