Stars Stripped in Binaries: From Theory to Observation
3:30 p.m., Sept. 2, 2021
SO N210 (Steward Courtyard)
Ylva Götberg,
Carnegie Observatories
Stars Stripped in Binaries: From Theory to
Stars stripped of their hydrogen-rich envelopes via interaction with
a binary companion are predicted to be responsible for most hydrogenpoor supernovae and also constitute two necessary steps in the
formation of neutron stars that merge in gravitational wave events. In
addition, because these stripped stars are the exposed cores of their
progenitors, they are so hot that most of their radiation is emitted in
ionizing wavelengths. This can both affect the appearance of bursty starforming galaxies and contribute to cosmic reionization. Despite their
importance, only one intermediate-mass stripped star has been
published to date. Based on theoretical predictions, we designed an
observational search for stars stripped in binaries in the Large and Small
Magellanic Clouds. I will share the first results from this ongoing survey,
including the identification and characterization of a first observed