Robert Wald, University of Oklahoma
Abstract: Low mass galaxies challenge our picture of galaxy formation and are an intriguing laboratory for the study of star formation, feedback and dark matter physics. I will present results from high resolution, cosmological simulations that contain many (isolated) dwarf galaxies [the MARVEL dwarfs] as well as satellite dwarf galaxies [the DC Justice League]. Together, they create the largest collection of high-resolution simulated dwarf galaxies to date and the first flagship suite to resolve ultra-faint dwarf galaxies in multiple environments. This sample spans a wide range of physical (stellar and halo mass), and evolutionary properties (merger history). I will present results and predictions constraining both star formation and dark matter physics soon testable by telescopes like JWST, Rubin's LSST and the Roman Space Telescope. Finally, I will present results about ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) and satellite distributions around Milky Way analogs from both zoom-in simulations and from a large sample of analogs drawn from the Romulus 25-Mpc volume simulation. I will discuss the role of environment in addition to satellite quenching times and their mechanisms with an eye toward comparing with observations. *Please join us for refreshments at 3:00 pm near the Moon Tree on the mall-side of the Kuiper Building near Flandrau.*