Physics Colloquium: Half-quantum flux in topological superconductors

Dr. Yufan Li, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University


3 – 4 p.m., Sept. 4, 2020

Abstract: Spin-triplet pairing is a rare occurrence in condensed matter physics, so far only confirmed in 3He superfluid. No solid-state material has been confirmed to manifest spin-triplet pairing. On the other hand, there are surging interest in the spin-triplet p-wave pairing due to its close relevance to topological superconductivity and noise-resilient quantum computing. We show that the magnetic flux quantization, one of the defining characteristics of a superconductor (SC), could serve as a decisive phase-sensitive method to distinguish triplet-pairing SCs from the most common spin-singlet SCs. A superconducting ring with triplet pairing may demonstrate half-integer flux quantization. In other words, half flux quanta with fractional quantum numbers of 1/2, 3/2, 5/2, etc. are energetically favored, instead of integer numbers of 0, 1, 2, etc. We have observed half-quantum flux in mesoscopic rings of superconducting Beta-Bi2Pd thin films [1]. The result provides conclusive evidence for spin-triplet p-wave pairing, expected for Beta-Bi2Pd as a leading candidate material of intrinsic topological SCs. We have also observed half-quantum flux in noncentrosymmetric α-BiPd, where an admixture of singlet and triplet pairing is expected [2]. Our findings usher in new venues for studying topological superconductivity, and new designs of flux qubit for quantum computing, which may operate without external magnetic fields.

[1] Science 366, 238-241 (2019).

[2] Physical Review Letters 124, 167001 (2020)


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