Fall 2020 Physics Colloquium: From Giant Magnetoresistance to Nonlinear Transport in Topological Materials: An Exciting Journey with Spin

Dr. Shulei Zhang, Case Western Reserve University


3 – 4 p.m., Nov. 6, 2020


Abstract: Ever since its surprising emergence from relativistic quantum mechanics, spin has been known as an intrinsic angular momentum that plays a crucial role in electronic structure of matter. When the flows of spin and charge become intertwined through spin-orbit coupling, a host of intriguing magnetotransport phenomena emerge such as the giant magnetoresistance and spin Hall effects. I will first introduce several basic concepts that are essential to understand the physics of these important transport properties. Then, I will introduce you to the emerging field of nonlinear transport in magnetic bilayer systems and topological materials, where strong spin-orbit interaction and broken inversion symmetry conspire to give rise to remarkable nonlinear magnetotransport effects. As an example, I will show a novel bilinear magnetoelectric resistance effect arising from the spin-momentum locked Dirac fermions on the surface of a 3D topological insulator. Such nonlinear transport effects suggest potential applications of topological materials in spintronic devices.

Zoom Link: https://arizona.zoom.us/j/83932466765

Please contact Karina Valdez at kvaldez@email.arizona.edu for Zoom Password.