Emanuele Mereghetti, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Abstract: Electric dipole moments (EDMs) are very sensitive probes of flavor-diagonal CP violation (CPV) and might first reveal the new CPV sources needed to explain the matterantimatter asymmetry in the Universe. EDMs of light nuclei, in particular, probe different hadronic couplings with respect to the neutron EDM and could play a pivotal role in disentangling different CPV mechanisms, provided that they can be computed with reliable uncertainties. In this talk I will discuss the calculation of charge and electric dipole form factor (EDFF) in pionless EFT. After reviewing the calculation of the charge form factor in the isospin symmetric limit, I will discuss one- and two-body contributions to the EDM and EDFF. I will show that, in the spin/isospin SU(4) limit, the EDFF is proportional to the charge form factor, leading to the suppression of the three-nucleon Schiff moment. I will then discuss Coulomb corrections to the 3He form factor and how to extend the calculation to higher orders.