Yao-Yuan Mao, University of Utah
Abstract: Dark matter is a mysterious component in the current standard model of cosmology. Because dark matter is not directly observable, the interpretation of the results from dark matter experiments and astronomical surveys often relies on, and sometimes is limited by, our understanding of the relation between visible galaxies and the dark cosmic structures (dark matter halos). In this talk, I will discuss the recent progress in modeling important features of this so-called galaxy-halo connection, in particular in the low-mass regime that is increasingly relevant to the upcoming deep observations, such as the Rubin Observatory LSST. I will discuss a few theoretical advances, including how the halo-subhalo interaction impacts the galaxy-halo connection, and the degree at which the galaxy assembly depends on halo assembly (also known as assembly bias). I will also discuss some recent observations of low-mass galaxies in the nearby universe that have propelled these theoretical advances, and how we are prepared to explore the nature dark matter with upcoming observations.
Bio: Dr. Yao-Yuan Mao is an Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Utah, studying astrophysics with a focus on low-mass galaxies and dark matter. His research answers key questions about the nature of dark matter, galaxy formation physics, and the uniqueness of our own Milky Way by studying the connection between visible galaxies and their invisible nests, the dark matter halos. Yao received a Ph.D. in Physics from Stanford University in 2016, conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Pittsburgh as a Samuel P. Langley PITT PACC Fellow (2016–19) and later at Rutgers University as a NASA Einstein Fellow (2019–22). MEET THE SPEAKER
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MEETING DETAILS Time: 3:30 PM MST/10:30 PM UTC Location: Kuiper Space Sciences Building, Room 312 Reception: Refreshments at 3:00 PM, Kuiper Building, 3rd Floor Atrium Live stream:
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