Announcing Department of Physics New Faculty Member

The Department of Physics is pleased to announce Dr. Samyukta Krishnamurthy has joined our department as our newest faculty member. A few area of interests:
Education: Ph.D. in Physics, 2022 University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Research Interests: Analyze data from the ATLAS experiment at the LHC to study the properties of the Higgs Boson. Assembled prototypes and developing quality control procedures for the future ATLAS pixel detector.
Publications with significant Contributions: ATLAS Collaboration Measurements of the Higgs boson inclusive and differential fiducial cross sections in the 4ℓ decay channel at √s = 13 TeV, arXiv:2004.03969 (2020) ATLAS Collaboration Higgs boson production cross-section measurements and their EFT interpretation in the 4ℓ decay channel at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector, arXiv:2004.03447 (2020) B. Toggerson, S. Krishnamurthy, E. Hansen, C. Church Positive Impacts on Student Self-Efficacy from an Introductory Physics for Life Science Course Using the Team-Based Learning Pedagogy, arXiv:2001.07277 (2020)
Teaching Interests: Worked with the physics education group at UMass to investigate the impact of team-based learning on student self-efficacy and attitudes in introductory physics courses. Interested in building welcoming and inclusive learning environments.
Background and Hobbies: I was born and brought up near Mumbai, India, and moved to the United States for my undergraduate education in 2014. My interests outside of physics include doodling, bullet journaling, singing Bollywood songs, and feeding squirrels.