Rethinking Reality Lecture Series
Jan. 29, 2017
By: Yemille Medina
Beginning this week there will be a series of lectures exploring "our world and ourselves" featuring several of our departments physicists. UA Science has organized 5 lectures that will make us rethink what we see, hear and touch everyday. All presentations will be at Centennial Hall starting at 7pm, and are free to the public. A schedule and detailed description of each lecture is present at, A brief schedule of the lectures is shown below.
January 30: Keith R. Dienes- Rethinking the Rules of Reality
February 6: Feryal Ozel- The Journey to the Extreme
February 13: Sam Gralla- Space, Time and Gravity
February 27: Elliott Cheu- A Myriad of Particles
March 6: Pierre Meystre- Domesticating the Quantum