Women in STEM Student Council (WiSSC) Program Grant Fund

Feb. 26, 2019

The Women in STEM Student Council (WiSSC) at the University of Arizona will administer a grants program that will support initiatives related to the Council’s mission of fostering the entry, retention, and success of women in STEM fields. Such initiatives and events include, but are not necessarily limited to activities, academic seminars, conferences, meetings with industry representatives, etc. WiSSC will fund up to $500 to cover expenses for programming by a University of Arizona student organization from April 1 - June 1, 2019.  
Questions regarding the application can be sent to: wisscfunding@gmail.com  

  • Any University of Arizona student group (consisting of 3+ students) may apply for funding.   
  • Funds will be dispensed through WiSSC, see the following link for acceptable expenses https://www.fso.arizona.edu/financial-management/business-purpose. It is the responsibility of the organization to ensure that allocated funds are spent in accordance with University of Arizona and Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) policy.  
  • The funds will only cover expenses related to programming between April 1 - June 1, 2019. 

Initiatives covered:  
Initiatives, events, or activities can include, but are not necessarily limited to outreach programs, academic seminars, meetings with industry representatives, etc. The proposed activity should contribute to the mission of the Women in STEM Student Council to support the recruitment, retention, and graduation of female-identifying students pursuing degrees in STEM at the University of Arizona. 
The application will consist of a cover sheet, short proposal, a budget, and a statement of support.  

  •  Cover Sheet:  The required cover sheet can be found at the WiSSC Funding website and at the end of this document.  
  • Proposal:  The proposal (maximum 1000 words) should include a brief description of the initiative, event, or activity, as well as a description of how this initiative, event, or activity will contribute to the mission of the Women in STEM Student Council. A successful proposal will identify the intended audience of the initiative, event, or programming, as well as how the event will directly benefit that group.  
  • Budget:  A budget must be included listing all expenses related to the proposed initiative, event or activity, as well as the amount (up to $500) requested from WiSSC. The items requested must be spent in accordance with University of Arizona and Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) policy. The budget should also include a brief justification of the items requested in your budget and a description of other attempts to obtain funding. 
  • Statement of Support:  A short (one-page) statement of support from a UA faculty or staff member should be included in the application. This can be from the club advisor or another member the faculty or staff that is familiar with the initiative. 

Reporting - post award The student or organization will be required to fill out the WiSSC Programming Grant survey within 30 days of hosting the initiative, event or activity. Information on the survey will be included in the award letter, and failure to complete the survey will result in the student or organization being ineligible for any future WiSSC Award.  
Applications must be completed by midnight (11:59 pm) on March 22, 2019.     Link to application: https://goo.gl/forms/Xjm0RT94Z1ffjCdz1